Booze, a Baby Shower, More Booze, and Such
![24 Things That Happen When You Decide To Do The Insanity Program](
When The Ultimate Yogi answered my injured girl prayers I was - elated. Made a schedule that worked for me that included running along with the 108 day challenge.
Things were going swimmingly until --
![28 Life Lessons From "Seinfeld"](
My pants got tight. Real tight. I got an ass like a Kardashian these days. Which isn't a bad thing, but when your pant fabric is working - overtime, one must rethink their lives and amend the situation. My hind parts got quite nice when I began running (read: perked up from its usual saggy place around my ankles), and my clothes fit a bit differently, but this - was mayhem and foolishness all wrapped in my too tight pants and restricting my breathing. #firstworldproblems
![11 Phrases We All Really Need To Stop Using](
Obviously I was less than thrilled
understatement of the century.
Cleaned up my eating habits. Nothing.
Took a hard look at my fitness plan as of late and found (I think) the culprit. While I felt exuberant and my anxiety/stress levels had dropped significantly, the lower half of my body was taking a beating. Literally.
![11 Phrases We All Really Need To Stop Using](
Fell in love with yoga a few years back on a work trip and never looked back, until now. At a place where I stand to dispel of a few
fifteen pounds
, the path I was on was not enough to tone up my jiggly bits and shed unwanted weight - (different fitness results for different folks). Especially as I make the slow crawl back from a running injury and prepare for distance racing again in 2014.
So where does that leave me? Completing 16/108 days of the UY challenge (I did HardCore on day #17 but not Strength so I didn't count that day) was definitely the mental focus and stress relief I needed. But for my body and my fitness goals, I am going back home - to Tracy Anderson (more on my journey with Tracy - here, here, here, here, here). The future is uncertain, and I'm not sure if this is what will get me back in fighting shape. But that is the beauty about life, the ability and willingness to change takes you where you never thought you'd go - beyond all comfort zones, if you let it.
I am eternally grateful to the kind and generous people at UY for giving me a chance to sample their program and plan to continue yoga utilizing the box set - especially Yin (it was the best/my fave for my hips - the root of my injury) and look to complete their 108 day Yoga challenge in the near future.
![24 Things That Happen When You Decide To Do The Insanity Program](
My workouts as of late:
11/21 Rest
11/22 Ran TM 2 mi. (21:53)
11/23 Ran TM 8.86 mi. (1:52:32)
11/24 Rest
11/25 Ran TM 2.28 mi. (23:37)
11/26 Rest
11/27 Rest
11/28 Turkey Trot 6 mi. (1:10:51)
(via Instagram)
My word it was brisk. But we took our sweet time, enjoyed the scenery, and had a much needed gab fest - whilst burning calories #winning. Results, here, fun facts about the history of the turkey trot, here.
Bib: 6420
Time: 1:10:44; 1,027 of 1,085 overall, 539 of 579 gender, 180 of 193 gender
(via Instagram)
11/29 Ran 1.23 mi. (12:40) and walked hounds 2.20 mi.
11/30 Rest (POTM 2013 total = 45.67 of 100)
12/1 Ran 3.51 mi. with hounds (39:36)
Building back is hard. Times 100. Speed-work, hills, and tempos have been nonexistent along with running consistently without feeling like I may die. Fact. But I will get there. Running slow (for me) is still running. Stress fracture be damned, I will have a healthy and fruitful race calendar in 2014. God willing. Prayers (always) welcome.
Speaking of running --
A few weeks back I ran the Cupcake 5k (results, here)
I like cupcakes and I cannot lie...
Race tradition: brunch (here), with mimosas. Champagne or its not considered a balanced meal. Fact.
![St. Louis Hot Chocolate - December 13, 2013. This race is 87% full! Register now with the code 87STL5 for $5 off your registration.](
Who's excited to run the Hot Chocolate 15k? This girl. Add in family and friends and its gonna be a great Sunday. Dear Mother Nature, please send warmth...
Race day goals: Not get frost bite. Eat all the chocolate.
In addition to adjusting my body/fitness/eating habits game plan: saw this movie with my sis, went to this bar and had a Tarot card reading for the first time, read this book, celebrated the hounds first birthday complete with a long walk and cupcakes (recipe - here), had a turducken croissant (with gravy!) from here, saw him live here, and went to a Ram's game.
Hounds the day we brought them home
Hounds - one year. What the heck are we feeding them?!
Our dear pals embarked on a three year journey abroad so we had to see them off properly. With lots of booze, and salty tears.
I miss her face.
Thankfully she invited me to a sweet ladies night before she left so I would stay her friend. It worked. I'm such a sucker for wine and jewelry.
And a massive gift bag. And I won a door prize. She can be my friend for awhile, I suppose :)
Road-tripped to our pals baby shower. First stop, COFFEE
DVD and ring pop, mandatory. How ridiculously cute is Amie's daughter? She can even say my name, which basically means I'll give her anything she wants to hear her say it aloud.
True friends that we are, we called ahead and demanded booze, then stopped at the grocery store in case they thought we were joking (we weren't).
Besides, if you put wine in your punch glass no one knows the wiser. Wine, with a straw. We ooze class.
I know .1 thing about babies. So I snapped a photo of the one thing I recognized. Mute button, ha!
Could she be a cuter preggo? I mean really.
I was in charge of passing her gifts (drinking), and snapping photos. I'll save you from the 577 selfie's we snapped after the first (magnum) bottle of wine was gone.
Kidding, we all know I over-share
at life
, you're welcome.
What have YOU been up to lately?
Ever read the Five Love Languages, if so what's your love language? I thought the book was a great-easy read. My language is "Quality Time", and M's is too. If you are shocked I asked him to take the quiz to find his and email swap our results, you don't know me at all.
Turducken fan? That was my first time, and it was heavenly.
See Catching Fire? Thoughts? I had no idea what the series was going into it, but so far I like the movies (I have zero plans to read the books, ever).